First, what an opening track. Second, what a closing track! 1969 was a year of turmoil in the US. If you listen to the lyrics for most of the tracks on the album, they are an expression of living in this year. There are themes of refuge, lonesomeness, the blues, sexuality, pretty much all the vices, escapism, and protest.
Set all those themes to a rock, gospel, and blues sound, and that really sums up this album. Despite being able to talk about this album at length what we think about for this entry is that iconic lyric “you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.”
Being a cut above is hard. There are no shortcuts. On that journey, you think you know what you need to get you there. Sometimes though you don’t get that one thing, but instead you get something better that moves your forward. Anyone who is on the journey with us to #BeACutAbove goes through this; and when it happens, boy does this song make you feel good.
Check it out on our Spotify playlist
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